UNC Chapel Hill Law School Grad Photos (Film + Digital)
In the Spring of 2023, I met up with a friend and recent graduate of the UNC School of Law to commemorate their degree and finishing a rigorous program. We took photos in front of the UNC School of Law building, a place Sawyer spent countless days as they worked towards their degree. Once we got some professional LinkedIn worthy shots (and a couple playful middle fingers), we took a few inside and then proceeded into Chapel Hill’s natural beauty around the quads. We took photos at the Coker Arboretum with Sawyer spinning around in the flouncy doctorate robes as the beautiful golden light streams in.
I brought out my wide-angle fish-eye lens for a few of our digital shots to give some of the photos a fun, less serious vibe: a visual contrast I love with the formal regalia. Additionally, we took photos on some 35mm film to add another compliment to the final photo series. I love taking grad photos on film as the grainy texture and naturally nostalgic look really match the commemorative nature of the graduation ceremony.
UNC Chapel Hill grad photos look beautiful in the golden light before sunset because of that sweet Tar Heel Blue! Those blues, along with the natural greens of the campus grounds and the black accent of the gown, complement each other so well and result in really stunning photos.
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